Pinewood Derby 2025

It's time for the Pack 115 2025 Pinewood Derby!

This is your one-stop shop for everything Pinewood Derby related!

Important dates:

Pinewood Derby Resources

Written by Curt Cousineau, this guide contains a lot of great tips for building the fastest car in the Pack!

Some printable templates for designing your car before you make your first cut!

Pinewood Derby Workshop  January 4, 10:30-12:30

The Pinewood Derby Workshop is an opportunity to get your car cut out and get some building help from experienced woodworkers.  (This is not a required event, just helpful!) The adults will operate all power equipment.  This will be held in Lawther hall on Saturday, Jan 6th, 2022 from 10:30- 12:30.  

We will split into two groups to manage the workflow:

Families with scouts in both sections - pick the time that works best for you. Lastly, if you have a time conflict you may switch to the other section.

We handed out the kits at the most recent pack meeting - if you didn't receive one, we'll have them available at the workshop.

Pinewood Derby Car Weigh-In  January 16, 7pm-8pm

In place of our normal Pack meeting, we'll have our Scouts bring in their completed Pinewood Derby cars to be weighed and checked in. The Pack will keep the cars safe until the Derby. Cars can also be checked in the morning of, but bringing them in at this time makes the morning of the race go much more smoothly!

Scouts should bring their cars in on January 18th between 7 and 8 PM.

Pinewood Derby Main Event  January 18, 10am-2pm

This is the main event! Scouts and siblings will race, eat snacks, and have fun!