Popcorn Sale

The Popcorn Sale has Started!

Here is some information to help scouts and parents with the popcorn sale.

  • The Popcorn sale is ongoing from now until the October Pack meeting. (10/20/22)

  • There are 3 basic ways to sell:

    • With the product on hand and delivered at the point of sale. (called Show and Sell – can be entered into your Wagon sales in the Trails End app or recorded on a paper form)

    • By taking an order - enter the info on paper order form or in the Trails End App.

    • Online sales- set up an online account through Trails End and use social media, email, etc to share your fundraising page

  • For non-online orders, money must be collected with each sale – even if the order needs to be ordered and delivered later. (Cash, check made out to Pack 115, or credit card entered through the trails end app)

Here's how to get started:

  1. The first step to a successful sale is to sign up for your Trails End account with Pack 115. We are sending invitations to everyone in the pack , but if you didn’t get yours email a request to popcorn@lakewoodpack115.org

  2. Download the app on your phone so you can track your sales on the go and use the credit card entry feature to accept credit cards for sales. This has proven to significantly increase the sales volume for scouts using this option.

  3. Look at some of the training tips and videos on the Trails End website, and decide which options work for your family – then go do it! A few options are below.

    • Door to door sales (remember to have an adult along and wear your uniform)

    • Calling family members and friends and taking orders

    • Taking order forms to work or other gatherings (and later enter in the App if you have it)

    • Taking a home video and posting it on-line (facebook, etc.) or sending emails/ texts/ etc. with a link to your Trails End fundraising page.

    • Asking local businesses if you can sell product outside their business.

    • Be creative!!

Trails End app:

We will be using the Trails-End app for taking orders, recording show and sell sales and taking credit card payments. Through the app, in addition to recording cash payments, there is the ability to take credit card payments. To take credit card payments, if you do not have a square reader you will type the credit card into the app and it will be processed through Trails-End. There are no fees related to taking credit cards, disregard any notification/messages if you see them about any fees. It is not a requirement to use the app but by creating an account at www.trails-end.com you can keep track of all your sales in one spot, and get access to many training videos and ideas.

If you are taking an order to be delivered later and would like to use the Trails End app instead of the paper order form, use the Wagon Sale section on your app - but you MUST record the sale as not delivered so it will generate a need to order the product from trails end.

Paper Order Form:

You can get paper order forms from Chris Eccher or your Den leader to use to show the product line and to mark down orders if you are not using the Trails End App. IMPORTANT TO KNOW--- do not duplicate your orders when you turn in your sales in October. It is recommended to log all your “take orders for delivery” as wagon sales with no product delivered in the App if you are using it and enter anything you have on paper order forms the same way if you are using the App. Then you will not need to turn in a paper order form and it reduces the risk of over- ordering something

Show and sell orders

Contact Chris Eccher (216-849-7988 or popcorn@lakewoodpack115.org) to arrange to pick up popcorn and Maple syrup products to sell door to door. You can keep the products for 24 hours then you need to turn in the remaining inventory and money for what you sold to Chris. You can take more out again when you are ready to sell again. This ensures we don’t have unsold products left over and that everyone has an opportunity to sell products directly without take orders.

Taking orders

Using the Trails-End app, you can take orders through Wagon sales which is the same as if you were using the paper form. You need to make sure you have the customer’s name, phone number and address entered so you can deliver the product later.

On-line Orders Can be taken online through www.trails-end.com or by selecting Online Direct option for sales through the app. These will be delivered directly to the customer and there is a delivery charge.


  • All scouts participating will receive a patch!

  • Through Trails-End:

    • Amazon gift cards will be earned based on points which are earned based off of the type of sale and the payment method. You earn 1.25 points per dollar for credit/debit sales, 1 point per dollar for online/online direct sales, and 1 point for cash sales.

    • Top 3 and over $600 sellers will be recognized by the Pack with awards

    • Any family that sells over $600 in popcorn will get a $50 rebate on membership fees

  • The #1 seller will get to throw a pie in the Cubmaster’s Face.


  • See the order form.

  • New this year - we are selling Scouts Own Maple Syrup. This is made from the sap collected from trees at Beaumont Scout reservation and made into real Maple Syrup.